Hänsel und Gretel
Satire Neo-Nazi propaganda poster mimicking the style and technique of the Nazis posters during the Second World War.
Oil Painting on Canvas Paper 18”x 24”.
The poster depicts multiple faces; the one most proponent in the foreground is a portrait of Adolf Hitler. Here he is in his armor such as he wore in his famous portrait The Standard Bearer painted by Hubert Lanzinger to represent Hitler in the height of his power. Hitler is meant to look ashamed and embarrassed by the cluttered commotion behind him, putting his hand up as a way to hide himself from the debacle. Suggesting Hitler himself would be embarrassed by the modern movement.
The center right portrait is separate from the others with an odd white border around the face, this is because this is not actually a person but a celebrity cut-out of Dwight Kurt Schrute III from the popular American tv sitcom The Office. This was taken from a World War II U.S. army tactic called the ghost army. To inflate their numbers the U.S. Army made inflatable tanks and used radio deception to fool the German army in the final years of the war. Similarly here they are using cardboard cutouts of celebrities to inflate numbers.
My choice for oil painting is to mimic the grandeur of the former nazi party and I want it juxtaposed against white men with bad farmer's tans and greasy shits.